White Mythic Space

14,95 €*

Produktnummer: 9783111281810
Verlag: De Gruyter Oldenbourg
Author: Aguirre Quiroga, Stefan
ISBN: 978-3-11-128181-0
Erscheinungsdatum: 08.05.2023

Produktinformationen "White Mythic Space"
  • De Gruyter Oldenbourg
  • Aguirre Quiroga, Stefan
  • 978-3-11-128181-0
  • 08.05.2023
  • 155 x 230 (B/H)
  • 423
  • Paperback
  • Video Games and the Humanities (2)
  • englisch
  • 1
  • 174 Seiten
  • 7 %

  • The fall of 2016 saw the release of the widely popular First World War video game Battlefield 1. Upon the game's initial announcement and following its subsequent release, Battlefield 1 became the target of an online racist backlash that targeted the game's inclusion of soldiers of color. Across social media and online communities, players loudly proclaimed the historical inaccuracy of black soldiers in the game and called for changes to be made that correct what they considered to be a mistake that was influenced by a supposed political agenda. Through the introduction of the theoretical framework of the ‘White Mythic Space’, this book seeks to investigate the reasons behind the racist rejection of soldiers of color by Battlefield 1 players in order to answer the question: Why do individuals reject the presence of people of African descent in popular representations of history?

    Biographie - Aguirre Quiroga, Stefan

    Stefan Aguirre Quiroga, Sweden.
    Hauptlesemotive: Verstehen
    Nebenlesemotive: Auseinandersetzen
    Produktart: Taschenbuch
    Produktform: Taschenbuch

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